Baturi Local Miners Company Ltd depends on all of our suppliers to help us maintain a sustainable and competitive supply chain.
Doing business with BLMC
BLMC is committed to conducting business in an ethical, legal, socially responsible, and climate-friendly manner. We value our relationships with our suppliers as they are critical to BLMC’s success and allow us to meet our business objectives. That is why we require our suppliers to adhere to the same stringent set of values and performance standards that BLMC holds itself to. While we prefer to buy from local suppliers – as a way of supporting the economic development of our operating communities and minimizing our environmental footprint – we depend on all of our suppliers to help us maintain a sustainable and climate-resilient supply chain.
BLMC in Batouri
Effective, ongoing partnerships with businesses and communities in the Mongonam region are important for the successful development and operations of our projects. We have established clear principles that guide our approach to procurement, which are designed to enhance opportunities for Inuit businesses and communities to benefit from our projects.
BLMC in Cameroon (Batouri and Dem)
We are committed to providing economic development opportunities in our host communities and countries. Wherever possible, we seek to procure goods and services from qualified local businesses in order to share the benefits of mining with our partners. For procurement opportunities in Cameroon, simply send us an email.